We are delighted that the WordPress London Meetup is back on the last Thursday of every month, and our founder Louise Towler was invited to speak at April’s meeting about how to make WordPress greener.
Byte-sized Impact: A greener future for your WordPress website
Sustainability isn’t a buzzword—it’s a necessity.
Louise will discuss how small changes in how you manage and optimise your WordPress website can reduce its carbon footprint. This will include practical strategies and tools to streamline your site’s performance, minimise energy consumption, and promote eco-friendly practices without sacrificing functionality or user experience. Discover how minor tweaks can lead to a greener WordPress website, contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet.
Sustainable website design
Louise started by talking about website design, what is great design and how the impact of poor design can be costly with inefficient websites and frustrated visitors.
Bytes and data
She then followed this with a summary of bytes and data and the issue of data generation and storage. Poor design has an environmental impact with wasted energy, wasted water and wasted resources.
By 2025, 175 Zettabytes of data will be created, captured and stored worldwide each year
Greener WordPress websites
Louise then discussed how to design a greener, sustainable WordPress website considering:
- Architecture
- Content
- Indexing
- Accessibility
- Images
- Video
- Fonts
- Theme
- Hosting
This included helpful tools and plugins such as
- Joost de Valk Fewer Tags plugin
- Indigo Tree Contrast Checker
- Equalise Digital Accessibility Checker plugin
- Perfmatters Performance plugin
Finally, Louise talked about the benefits of transferring less data per page and how Kanoppi can help measure and monitor your WordPress website.
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